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SOKU【SokuSwap】 NO.6763
$ 0.0000046
-1.92 %
5.483292644602E-6 24H最高
4.993E-6 24H最低
0.043994648183529 历史最高
3.7203946539E-6 历史最低
2090927.3 24H成交量
10.44 24H成交额
2.2亿 总量
0 市值
9.82% 24H波幅
0 流通数量
5.285306678021E-6 昨开
5.481147751822E-6 昨收
0 % 流通率



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  • SOKU币介绍
SokuSwap is the best Cross-Chain Exchange connecting multiple networks in one place! We offer staking and fully decentralized liquidity through yield farms on multiple networks including Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum networks. We have the most secure in-house bridge utilizing 1 supply for multiple networks. The total non-mintable supply is 222,222,222 spread across multiple networks.
SokuSwap is the best Cross-Chain Exchange connecting multiple networks in one place! We offer staking and fully decentralized liquidity through yield farms on multiple networks including Binance Smart Chain and Ethereum networks. We have the most secure in-house bridge utilizing 1 supply for multiple networks. The total non-mintable supply is 222,222,222 spread across multiple networks.
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比特币 怎么提现
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2024-08-23 23:09



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